Cyberward (aka Reiki30Biz)
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Posts : 194
Join date : 2020-01-12
Age : 45

Reiki Tinfoil Packets Empty Reiki Tinfoil Packets

Sat Dec 17, 2022 3:31 pm
Reiki Tinfoil Packets:
Cost per Reiki Tinfoil Packet (done on your behalf - let me know your full name & request/desire/goal when ordering) is £2.

Send payment to my Paypal account (lyndacw (at) googlemail (dot) com).  Include your info as i.e. note to seller or send a seperate email (same email address).

I will then create your Reiki Tinfoil Packet (I'll send you photo's via email of process).

I will be leaving Reiki Tinfoil Packet in my Reiki Jar for months/years.  I normally go through & redo my Reiki Jar every few years at the moment.


What I Use:

I use:
20 or 40 micron thick Tinfoil (aimed more at Hookah's)

Small folded up Notelet (with recipient request/info/symbols etc...)

Reiki empowered 'Main Mix' - Powdered mix (Salt/Cinnamon/Incense Cone Ash/Chicory) that all have appropriate spiritual or magical attributes

A Reiki empowered (large) jar (so far, half full of various crystals that all have their own properties).  See below.


Then just watch out for signs that your request is occuring. Effects may be subtle.
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