Cyberward (aka Reiki30Biz)
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Age : 45

What can I add to Skimmed Milk Powder to make instant, delicious hot drinks? Empty What can I add to Skimmed Milk Powder to make instant, delicious hot drinks?

Mon Feb 27, 2023 1:27 pm
Cocoa powder: Add a tablespoon of cocoa powder to a cup of skimmed milk powder for a rich and chocolatey hot drink.

Instant coffee: Add a teaspoon of instant coffee granules to a cup of skimmed milk powder for a quick and easy coffee-flavored drink.

Cinnamon: Sprinkle a little cinnamon into your skimmed milk powder for a warm and comforting flavor.

Vanilla extract: Add a few drops of vanilla extract to your skimmed milk powder for a sweet and aromatic flavor.

Matcha powder: Add a teaspoon of matcha powder to a cup of skimmed milk powder for a unique and flavorful hot drink.

Honey or maple syrup: Sweeten your skimmed milk powder with a teaspoon of honey or maple syrup for a natural and delicious flavor.

Turmeric: Add a pinch of turmeric to your skimmed milk powder for a warm and earthy flavor, as well as the potential health benefits of turmeric.

Simply mix the skimmed milk powder and your chosen flavorings together, then add hot water to make an instant hot drink. Adjust the amount of flavorings to your taste and enjoy your delicious and easy-to-make hot drink!
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