Cyberward (aka Reiki30Biz)
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Join date : 2020-01-12
Age : 45

ChatGPT - My depression history: Empty ChatGPT - My depression history:

Sat Jun 24, 2023 7:30 pm
Title: Navigating the Complexities of PTSD-Related Depression: Lynda's Journey


Living with the challenges of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be an arduous and emotionally taxing journey. In this article, we explore the personal story of Lynda, who has faced the profound impact of narcissistic abuse, multiple health conditions, and the weight of significant losses. We delve into her experiences with depression, PTSD, and the complexities that have shaped her life.

1. The Initial Diagnosis and Treatment:

In January 1998, Lynda received her first diagnosis of depression. Prozac, a commonly prescribed antidepressant, was prescribed to manage her depressive symptoms. While medication can be helpful in alleviating the symptoms of depression, Lynda's journey would later uncover a deeper layer of mental health challenges.

2. Unveiling PTSD-Related Depression:

In June 2023, Lynda was diagnosed with PTSD-related depression. The trauma that underlies her depression stems from enduring 23-24 years of narcissistic abuse inflicted by her now deceased mother. As the family scapegoat, she faced emotional manipulation, constant belittlement, and an invalidation of her experiences. This prolonged period of abuse left a lasting impact on her mental and emotional well-being, leading to the development of PTSD-related depression.

3. The Role of Medication and Treatment:

To address the symptoms of PTSD-related depression, Lynda's healthcare provider prescribed Duloxetine, an antidepressant commonly used in managing both depression and anxiety. Medication can provide support by regulating brain chemistry and alleviating the symptoms associated with depression. However, it is important to remember that medication is just one part of a comprehensive treatment plan.

4. The Weight of Multiple Health Conditions and Identity:

Lynda's journey is further complicated by several health conditions. She lives with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type 3 (EDS), essential tremor, and varus deformity of the knees. Additionally, Lynda identifies as an individual on the autism spectrum (Aspie) and an introvert. These aspects of her identity add layers of complexity to her experiences, impacting her coping mechanisms, interactions with others, and overall well-being. It is crucial to recognize and validate the unique challenges that individuals with multiple health conditions and different identities may face.

5. Coping with Loss and Emotional Struggles:

Between 2016 and 2020, Lynda endured seven significant losses, each taking a toll on her mental state. The final three losses, including the passing of her older foster sister Marie in October 2020, profoundly impacted her already fragile emotional state. The weight of grief, combined with the effects of narcissistic abuse, intensified Lynda's struggles with depression and deepened her battle against negative thoughts and emotions.

6. A Journey towards Healing and Self-Acceptance:

Lynda's journey highlights the resilience and strength required to navigate the complexities of PTSD-related depression. While her history includes moments of darkness and self-destructive behaviors, she continues to strive for a more positive mental state. Seeking professional help, engaging in therapy, and embracing self-care practices can be vital in the process of healing and building a more positive mindset.


Lynda's story serves as a reminder of the profound impact of narcissistic abuse, the challenges of living with multiple health conditions, and the complex interplay between PTSD and depression. It is essential to approach mental health struggles with empathy, understanding, and a commitment to holistic treatment. By acknowledging the complexities of individual experiences and providing support, we can help individuals like Lynda on their journey towards healing, self-acceptance, and a brighter future.
Posts : 194
Join date : 2020-01-12
Age : 45

ChatGPT - My depression history: Empty ChatGPT exerpt - My food & body image issues:

Sat Jun 24, 2023 7:41 pm
As a 13 year old I was Anorexic. I just couldn't get past 49lbs (3.5 stone). I was skin & bone. A permanent reminder of this time in my life are my arms. I CAN'T gain any weight on my arms. My arms are just pathetic & scrawny.

While enduring Narcissistic abuse, I drank HARD, I have a beer gut. While it's a reminder of another HARD time in my life, I hope to keep the gut. It took SO much hard work to get the gut.

These aspects also play a role in my ongoing mental state.

Lingering Effects and Body Image Challenges:
Throughout her life, Lynda has battled with body image challenges and a tumultuous relationship with food. From her teenage years of struggling with anorexia, where her weight dropped dangerously low, to the present day where she faces the physical reminders of her past struggles, the journey towards self-acceptance and body positivity remains ongoing.
Posts : 194
Join date : 2020-01-12
Age : 45

ChatGPT - My depression history: Empty ChatGPT - I fight it alone:

Sat Jun 24, 2023 11:57 pm
Title: Embracing Inner Strength: Navigating Depression and PTSD Alone

Depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be incredibly challenging to face alone. For Lynda, her journey through these mental health struggles has been a solitary one, without the aid of therapy or professional interventions. In this article, we will explore Lynda's personal experience, acknowledging her resilience as she navigates her path without external support, relying solely on her own inner strength and the unwavering bond with her trusted friend.

A Personal Struggle: Depression Diagnosis and the Unyielding Spirit
In 1998, Lynda received a diagnosis of depression, which marked the beginning of her individual battle. Despite not seeking therapy or cognitive-behavioral interventions, she has forged ahead, relying on her own resilience to confront the daily challenges that depression presents. Lynda's unyielding spirit has propelled her forward, despite the absence of external support systems.

The Burden of Trust: Barriers to Seeking Professional Help
Trust has been a significant obstacle for Lynda when it comes to reaching out to doctors, therapists, and other healthcare professionals. This struggle to trust others has been a lifelong pattern for her, making it difficult to open up and seek assistance. Instead, she relies on herself and her enduring friendship, built over more than three decades, as her sole source of trust and support.

The Power of Solitude: Coping Alone and Finding Inner Resilience
Lynda has become accustomed to navigating life's challenges independently. Despite the absence of formal therapy, she has developed her own methods for coping with depression and PTSD-related symptoms. These may include introspection, self-reflection, and utilizing her innate inner strength to persevere. Embracing solitude, she has discovered a wellspring of resilience within herself.

A Scorpio's Journey: Self-Reliance and Personal Growth
Lynda identifies as a Scorpio, born on November 13th, 1978. While astrology may not have a direct impact on mental health, for her, it may hold personal significance and provide a lens through which she understands herself. Being self-reliant by nature, she finds solace in her own company, embracing her Scorpio traits to navigate her journey towards well-being.

The Unbreakable Bond: Trust in Self and Lifelong Friendship
Throughout her life, Lynda has primarily relied on herself and her unwavering bond with her best friend, who has been by her side for over 30 years. This trusted companion provides a source of support, understanding, and comfort. Their enduring friendship has been a pillar of strength, offering a safe space for Lynda to confide in and find solace during her most challenging moments.

Lynda's story exemplifies the remarkable strength of the human spirit when faced with mental health struggles, even in the absence of formal therapy and external support systems. While therapy and professional interventions can be invaluable resources for many, her journey showcases an alternative path, where resilience, self-reflection, and the unwavering bond of a trusted friendship become sources of healing and personal growth. Ultimately, her unique journey reminds us that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to mental health, and finding one's own path to well-being is a testament to the individual's inner strength and resilience.
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