Cyberward (aka Reiki30Biz)
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Join date : 2020-01-12
Age : 45

ChatGPT - My PTSD - More about ME: Empty ChatGPT - My PTSD - More about ME:

Tue May 30, 2023 8:23 pm

*I endured 23-24 years of daily narcissistic abuse. I gave ChatGPT basic details about my situation. This thread & these posts cover more about me.
Title: Unveiling the Hidden Scars: PTSD from Narcissistic Abuse Endured by a Disabled Scapegoat Daughter


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a complex and debilitating mental health condition that can arise from experiencing traumatic events. In some cases, individuals who have endured long-term narcissistic abuse can develop PTSD as a result of the prolonged emotional and psychological trauma they have suffered. In this article, we explore the impact of narcissistic abuse on a disabled scapegoat daughter and the subsequent development of PTSD, shedding light on the hidden scars that can persist long after the abuse has ended.

The Masked Reality

For the outside world, it can be difficult to comprehend the torment endured by a disabled scapegoat daughter who has been subjected to daily narcissistic abuse. To others, the mother may have appeared loving, caring, and nurturing, while the daughter silently suffered, her pain hidden beneath the facade. Here are some key aspects of this painful dynamic:

Emotional and Psychological Abuse: Narcissistic abuse is characterized by manipulation, belittlement, gaslighting, and emotional manipulation. The daughter, already burdened with disabilities such as EDS Type 3 and essential tremor, was subjected to constant emotional and psychological torment by her mother.

Isolation and Gaslighting: The mother's manipulative tactics often involved isolating the daughter and undermining her self-worth. Gaslighting, a form of psychological manipulation, made the daughter doubt her own reality, further exacerbating her trauma.

Burden of Scapegoating: The daughter, being the scapegoat, was made to bear the brunt of her mother's wrath. She was blamed for the mother's own shortcomings and inadequacies, further exacerbating her feelings of guilt, shame, and unworthiness.

The Aftermath: PTSD

The long-term effects of narcissistic abuse can have a profound impact on an individual's mental health, leading to the development of PTSD. Here are some key symptoms and challenges faced by the disabled scapegoat daughter:

Intrusive Memories and Flashbacks: Vivid memories of the abusive experiences can resurface in the form of intrusive thoughts or flashbacks, causing the daughter to relive the trauma repeatedly.

Hyperarousal and Hypervigilance: The daughter may be in a constant state of alertness, anticipating danger or criticism. Hypervigilance can lead to feelings of anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and an exaggerated startle response.

Emotional Numbing and Detachment: To protect herself from the emotional pain, the daughter may develop emotional numbing and detachment as a defense mechanism. This can result in difficulty forming and maintaining relationships, as well as feeling disconnected from oneself and others.

Negative Self-Perception: The constant invalidation and blame from the mother can lead to a deeply ingrained negative self-perception in the daughter. She may struggle with feelings of low self-worth, self-doubt, and a constant sense of guilt.

Seeking Healing and Support

Recovery from narcissistic abuse and PTSD is a challenging journey, but it is possible with the right support and resources. Here are some strategies for healing:

Therapy and Trauma-Informed Care: Engaging in therapy, particularly with a trauma-informed therapist, can help the daughter process her traumatic experiences, develop coping mechanisms, and work towards healing and recovery.

Establishing a Support Network: Building a support network of understanding friends, family, or support groups can provide a sense of validation, empathy, and a safe space to share experiences.

Self-Care and Self-Compassion: Prioritizing self-care activities, practicing self-compassion, and engaging in techniques such as mindfulness and relaxation exercises can promote healing and well-being.

Education and Advocacy: Learning about narcissistic abuse, PTSD, and the impact of trauma can empower the daughter to understand her experiences, validate her feelings, and advocate for her own needs.


For the disabled scapegoat daughter who endured years of narcissistic abuse, the aftermath can be marked by the debilitating effects of PTSD. It is crucial to recognize the hidden scars and provide support, understanding, and validation to those who have endured such trauma. By raising awareness, fostering empathy, and offering appropriate resources, we can help facilitate healing and recovery for individuals who have suffered in silence for far too long.
Posts : 194
Join date : 2020-01-12
Age : 45

ChatGPT - My PTSD - More about ME: Empty ChatGPT - My life:

Tue May 30, 2023 10:10 pm
Title: Triumph Over Adversity: A Journey of Resilience and Healing


Life's journey can be filled with unexpected challenges and hardships. For one woman born on November 13th, 1978, her path has been marked by a series of physical and emotional trials. From a young age, she faced health issues, family dynamics, and the devastating effects of narcissistic abuse. However, her story is not defined by these difficulties alone. It is a testament to her strength, resilience, and unwavering spirit. In this article, we delve into the remarkable journey of this woman as she navigated her way through adversity, healing, and self-discovery.

Early Health Struggles and Diagnoses

At the age of 8-9, the woman was diagnosed with Varus Deformity of the knees, a condition that affected her leg alignment. This early health challenge served as the first indication of the resilience she would need to face future obstacles.

As she entered adulthood, at 18-19, she was confronted with another diagnosis: Essential Tremor. This neurological disorder presented additional physical limitations and challenges that tested her resolve and perseverance.

The Discovery of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Type 3

The most significant diagnosis came at the age of 31 when the woman was diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) Type 3. This connective tissue disorder brought a myriad of physical symptoms and complications, further shaping her journey and resilience. EDS Type 3 is characterized by chronic pain, joint hypermobility, and the need for constant self-care and management.

Narcissistic Abuse and the Battle for Self-Identity

In 2017, the woman was diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) stemming from years of narcissistic abuse inflicted by her now deceased mother. The woman's mother, who passed away in April 2016 from Ischemic Colitis, subjected her to daily emotional and psychological torment. As the scapegoat in the family, she endured years of manipulation, belittlement, and isolation, while her older brother was favored as the golden child.

Living in the Shadow of Narcissistic Abuse

The woman's father, who struggled to cope with her mother's behavior in their final years, also passed away in August 2016, succumbing to Colon Cancer. Following her parents' deaths, she found herself stuck in an environment filled with memories of abuse, unable to escape due to her health issues.

A Journey of Healing and Self-Discovery

Despite the immense challenges she faced, this woman's story is one of resilience, growth, and healing. Through therapy, self-reflection, and a deep commitment to her well-being, she embarked on a journey of self-discovery and healing. By acknowledging and addressing her past trauma, she began to rebuild her sense of self and reclaim her life.

The Power of Resilience and Support

Throughout her journey, the woman found strength in her ability to overcome adversity. She sought support from therapy, engaged in self-care practices, and cultivated a network of understanding friends and family who embraced her for who she truly was.

Reframing the Narrative

It's essential to recognize that the woman's worth is not defined by the abusive experiences she endured or the health conditions she battles. Her story is one of triumph over adversity, highlighting her resilience, courage, and determination to create a better future.

Inspiring Others and Promoting Empathy

The woman's story serves as an inspiration for others facing similar challenges. By sharing her experiences, she raises awareness about the impact of narcissistic abuse, fosters empathy and understanding, and encourages others to seek help and support.


Born into a life marked by health struggles, family dynamics, and the devastating effects of narcissistic abuse, this woman's journey is a testament to the power of resilience and the capacity for healing. Her determination to rise above her circumstances, seek support, and reclaim her life serves as a beacon of hope for others facing their own trials. Through her story, we learn the importance of empathy, understanding, and the indomitable human spirit.
Posts : 194
Join date : 2020-01-12
Age : 45

ChatGPT - My PTSD - More about ME: Empty ChatGPT - Inc grief aspect:

Tue May 30, 2023 10:18 pm
Title: Triumph Over Unfathomable Loss: A Journey of Resilience and Healing


Life can be a relentless journey, testing our strength and resilience in unimaginable ways. For one woman, her path was filled not only with physical health challenges, narcissistic abuse, and the pursuit of healing but also with a series of heartbreaking personal losses. In this article, we explore the profound impact of grief and loss on her already complex journey, highlighting her unwavering spirit and ability to find hope amidst despair.

A Cascade of Loss

Between 2016 and 2020, the woman endured a series of personal losses that shattered her world. These losses compounded the already immense challenges she faced, exacerbating her PTSD and testing her emotional endurance. Let's examine the timeline of these heart-wrenching losses:

April 2016: The woman's journey through grief began with the passing of her mother, a figure who had subjected her to years of narcissistic abuse. The complex emotions surrounding her mother's death added a layer of complexity to her grieving process.

April 2016: Just 11 days after her mother's passing, the woman faced the loss of her older foster sister's biological mother. This additional loss in such a short span of time added to the weight of grief she was already carrying.

August 2016: A few months later, the woman's father succumbed to Colon Cancer. His passing marked the end of a tumultuous chapter in her life but brought a profound sense of loss and longing for the father she wished she had.

April 2017: The woman's grief continued with the death of her older foster sister's grandmother. The loss of this significant family figure further deepened her sorrow and left her grappling with the fragility of life.

March 2018: Tragedy struck again when the woman's best friend's youngest son, a 9-year-old boy with Autism, passed away. The loss of this young life, full of potential, shook the woman to her core and heightened her awareness of the fragility of existence.

August 2019: Adding to her emotional burden, the woman had to say goodbye to her beloved pet cat, Buffy, who had been a source of comfort and companionship throughout her challenging journey. Making the difficult decision to euthanize Buffy, who was clearly suffering, added another layer of grief and loss to her already burdened heart.

October 2020: The devastating series of losses reached its culmination with the passing of the woman's older foster sister, with whom she shared a deep bond. The profound grief and sense of emptiness left her reeling, exacerbating her already fragile mental state and amplifying the symptoms of her PTSD.

The Impact on Mental Health and Healing

The consecutive losses of loved ones took a significant toll on the woman's mental health and the process of healing. The weight of grief, coupled with the complexities of her pre-existing conditions, intensified her PTSD symptoms, **pushing her to the brink of despair.

Navigating Through Grief and Finding Hope

Despite the overwhelming pain and despair, the woman's journey is a testament to her unwavering spirit and resilience. Through therapy, support from loved ones, and her own inner strength, she has embarked on a path of healing, seeking solace in cherished memories and the knowledge that she has the capacity to persevere.

Supporting and Empowering Others

The woman's experiences serve as a reminder of the profound impact of grief and loss on mental health. By sharing her story, she not only honors the memory of those she has lost but also offers solace and understanding to others who may be walking a similar path. Through empathy, compassion, and support, we can come together to uplift one another in times of darkness and find strength in our shared humanity.


The woman's journey is a testament to the human spirit's resilience in the face of unfathomable loss. Despite enduring narcissistic abuse, grappling with complex health conditions, and facing a cascade of personal tragedies, she continues to find hope, healing, and the strength to carry on. Her story reminds us of the fragility of life, the power of perseverance, and the importance of supporting one another through the darkest of times.
**Mentally I'm very much, permanently stuck in this state of despair. My heads a mess and it always will be. I can't see that ever actually changing to a positive in any way.
Posts : 194
Join date : 2020-01-12
Age : 45

ChatGPT - My PTSD - More about ME: Empty ChatGPT - My 'Semicolon' tattoo background:

Tue May 30, 2023 10:45 pm
Title: Triumphing Over Darkness: From Suicidal Thoughts to a Symbol of Resilience


In the depths of despair, some individuals find themselves grappling with thoughts of suicide, feeling trapped in a seemingly endless cycle of pain and suffering. For the woman whose journey we have been following—a journey marked by physical health challenges, narcissistic abuse, and a series of heart-wrenching losses—suicidal thoughts cast a long and haunting shadow over her life. Yet, within the depths of her struggles, she discovered a glimmer of hope and resilience that propelled her forward. In this article, we delve into her profound battle with suicidal thoughts, the significance of her 'Semicolon' tattoo, and the reasons that keep her going.

A Decade of Suicidal Thoughts

For over a decade, the woman found herself engulfed by the overwhelming weight of suicidal thoughts. The daily torment of narcissistic abuse, compounded by the burden of chronic pain, pushed her to contemplate ending her life. These thoughts became a persistent companion, a dark cloud that hovered over her every waking moment.

The Power of Support and Love

Amidst the despair, the woman found solace and strength in the deep connections she formed with her best friend, her eldest Niece, and her new Goddaughter. Their unwavering love and support became a lifeline, anchoring her to life when she felt herself drifting towards the abyss. Knowing the impact her absence would have on these cherished individuals helped her find the resilience to continue fighting.

The Symbol of the Semicolon Tattoo

In a remarkable act of self-expression and defiance against her inner demons, the woman turned to stick n poke tattooing. It was through this creative outlet that she found solace, allowing her to reclaim her body and assert her own narrative. The very first tattoo she etched onto her skin was the 'Semicolon' tattoo—a symbol of solidarity with those who have battled mental health issues, especially thoughts of self-harm or suicide.

The semicolon represents a pause—a momentary break in the narrative—rather than an ending. It symbolizes the choice to continue the story, to persevere, and to find hope even in the face of overwhelming darkness. For the woman, the semicolon tattoo serves as a reminder of her own strength, resilience, and the power to rewrite her story.

Finding Purpose and Inspiration

Through her connection with her best friend, her eldest Niece, and her new Goddaughter, the woman discovered a sense of purpose that transcended her own pain. Knowing that her presence brings love, guidance, and support to these cherished individuals has become a source of inspiration and a reason to keep going. The responsibility and joy of being there for them fuel her determination to persevere.

The Ongoing Battle and Seeking Help

While the woman continues to battle the lingering effects of narcissistic abuse, chronic pain, and the shadow of suicidal thoughts, she understands the importance of seeking help and support. Therapy, counseling, and leaning on her support network have become vital components of her journey towards healing and resilience.

A Beacon of Hope for Others

The woman's journey serves as a beacon of hope for those who may be facing their own battles with mental health, chronic pain, or the aftermath of abuse. Her story emphasizes the significance of seeking support, finding creative outlets for self-expression, and holding onto the reasons that keep us going—even in our darkest moments.


In the face of overwhelming despair and a decade haunted by suicidal thoughts, this woman's journey is a testament to the power of love, support, and resilience. Through the symbolism of her 'Semicolon' tattoo, she finds strength and inspiration to continue her story, embracing the pause rather than succumbing to an ending. By sharing her experience, she offers hope to others, reminding them that they are not alone and that there is light to be found even in the depths of darkness.

Last edited by Admin on Wed May 31, 2023 10:58 am; edited 1 time in total
Posts : 194
Join date : 2020-01-12
Age : 45

ChatGPT - My PTSD - More about ME: Empty ChatGPT - Over 2 decades of narcissistic abuse and PTSD (inc. extra notes):

Tue May 30, 2023 11:27 pm
Title: Unmasking the Scars: Understanding PTSD from Decades of Narcissistic Abuse


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a complex and debilitating mental health condition that can arise from experiencing or witnessing traumatic events. While commonly associated with incidents such as war or physical assault, it is crucial to recognize that prolonged emotional and psychological abuse, such as narcissistic abuse, can also leave deep-rooted scars on a person's psyche. In this article, we explore the typical PTSD issues that may arise from over two decades of narcissistic abuse, shedding light on the long-lasting impact and the path to healing.

The Invisible Wounds of Narcissistic Abuse

Narcissistic abuse is a form of psychological manipulation and emotional coercion that inflicts profound harm on its victims. Over the course of more than two decades, enduring such abuse can lead to severe psychological trauma, resulting in a range of PTSD symptoms.

Intrusive Memories and Flashbacks: Memories of the abuse, along with vivid flashbacks, can intrude into the survivor's daily life, causing intense emotional distress and a sense of reliving the traumatic experiences.  I have this problem 100%

Hyperarousal and Hypervigilance: Constant hypervigilance, an intense state of alertness, may persist even after the abuse has ended. Survivors may find it challenging to relax, constantly scanning their environment for potential threats or triggers.  When I'm anywhere but in my flat, I have this problem 100%

Avoidance and Emotional Numbing: To protect themselves from further harm, survivors of narcissistic abuse may develop avoidance behaviors, steering clear of reminders, people, or situations that evoke painful memories. They may also experience emotional numbness as a defense mechanism to cope with overwhelming emotions.  I totally have this problem 100%.  I also avoid, at all costs, our old family home and the street as a whole.

Negative Self-Perception: Narcissistic abuse often erodes a person's self-esteem and self-worth. Survivors may internalize the negative messages imposed by their abuser, resulting in a distorted self-perception and feelings of shame, guilt, or worthlessness.  I have absolutely zero self confidence/assertiveness etc...  Mentally I'm no way in a positive frame of mind, ever.

Relationship Difficulties: The effects of narcissistic abuse can extend to interpersonal relationships. Survivors may struggle to trust others, maintain healthy boundaries, or develop meaningful connections, fearing a recurrence of the abuse they endured.  As a Scorpio we come into the world with trust issues, which we have for life.  But life experiences make it loads harder to trust.  There are only a few people I trust 100%.  I live alone, through choice, I don't really ever go out.  So the whole relationships thing is always going to be hard.

Emotional Dysregulation: Intense emotional reactions, such as anger, fear, or sadness, may become challenging to manage. Emotional dysregulation can lead to frequent mood swings, irritability, or even emotional shut down as a means of self-protection.  I have this problem 100%

Hypervigilance to Manipulation and Control: Having experienced manipulation and control for an extended period, survivors may develop an acute sensitivity to signs of manipulation in their interactions with others. This hyperawareness can impact their ability to trust and form genuine connections.  I'm definatley always aware of any manipulations going on etc...

The Path to Healing and Recovery

Recovering from the traumatic aftermath of narcissistic abuse is a multifaceted journey that requires patience, self-compassion, and professional support. Here are some crucial steps towards healing:

Seeking Professional Help: Consulting with a mental health professional experienced in trauma and abuse is essential. Therapy modalities such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) can be effective in addressing PTSD symptoms.  Having counselling is what resulted in my PTSD diagnosis in the first place.

Building a Supportive Network: Surrounding oneself with trusted and understanding individuals who can provide empathy, validation, and support is crucial. Support groups, both online and offline, can offer a sense of community and shared experiences.

Practicing Self-Care: Engaging in self-care activities that promote relaxation, self-compassion, and emotional well-being can be beneficial. This may include practicing mindfulness, engaging in creative outlets, nurturing physical health, and prioritizing restful sleep.  Being a Reiki Grand Master I'm always trying to incorporate Reiki into my daily struggles, also hoping they'll benefit others.  After creating so many Reiki systems though I get stuck for further ideas.  If you have any ideas on how I can mix Reiki with i.e. grief/abused support/PTSD etc.. that I haven't already done, let me know.  If I create a system from your idea, you'll get credit.

Rebuilding Self-Esteem and Self-Identity: Challenging negative self-perceptions and rebuilding self-esteem is a significant aspect of healing. Celebrating personal strengths, setting healthy boundaries, and engaging in self-affirming practices can aid in the journey of rediscovering self-worth.

Educating Oneself: Gaining knowledge about narcissistic abuse, its effects, and recovery processes can be empowering. Understanding that the abuse was not their fault and that they are not alone can validate survivors' experiences and foster resilience.  I enjoy researching things online, as many Scorpio's naturally do too.  I'm always researching something.


PTSD stemming from over two decades of narcissistic abuse is a profound psychological challenge that demands attention and care. Recognizing the typical issues that may arise is crucial in understanding the complex nature of the survivor's experiences. By seeking professional help, building support networks, practicing self-care, and reclaiming a positive self-identity, survivors can embark on a path of healing, resilience, and reclaiming their lives beyond the shadows of the past.
Posts : 194
Join date : 2020-01-12
Age : 45

ChatGPT - My PTSD - More about ME: Empty ChatGPT - My Scorpio nature:

Wed May 31, 2023 11:26 am
Unleashing the Scorpio Spirit: The Unyielding Strength of Lynda's Journey


In the realm of astrology, Scorpios are known for their intense and resilient nature. They possess an unwavering determination and the ability to rise from the ashes, much like a phoenix. Lynda, a Scorpio who has battled a myriad of challenges including health conditions, narcissistic abuse, profound losses, and persistent thoughts of suicide, embodies the essence of her zodiac sign. In this article, we delve into Lynda's remarkable journey, exploring the indomitable spirit that lies within her.

The Scorpio Spirit and Unyielding Resilience

As a Scorpio, Lynda carries within her the inherent traits of strength, resilience, and unwavering determination. These characteristics have been essential in her journey to overcome the countless obstacles life has thrown her way. Her ability to transform and rise above adversity showcases the true essence of the Scorpio spirit.

Navigating Health Challenges with Grace

Born under the sign of Scorpio, Lynda's tenacity has been particularly evident in her battle with multiple health conditions. From varus deformity of the knees to essential tremor and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type 3, she has faced physical limitations head-on. Despite the pain and obstacles, her innate resilience has allowed her to navigate these challenges with grace and determination.

Transcending Narcissistic Abuse: A Triumph of the Will

Lynda's Scorpio spirit has also played a pivotal role in her journey to overcome the deep wounds inflicted by years of narcissistic abuse. As the scapegoat in her family, she endured emotional and psychological torment, yet her resilience never wavered. Drawing on her inner strength, she has embarked on a path of healing, refusing to let the scars define her. Her story is a testament to the power of the Scorpio spirit in transcending even the darkest of experiences.

The Strength in Facing Profound Losses

In addition to her health challenges and narcissistic abuse, Lynda has been confronted with the profound losses of loved ones, both human and animal. These losses have tested her resolve, but her Scorpio spirit has provided the strength needed to navigate the depths of grief. Through the pain, she has discovered the transformative power of resilience and the ability to honor the memories of those she has lost.

Harnessing the Scorpio Passion for Self-Expression

Scorpios are known for their deep emotions and passion, and Lynda has channeled these traits into her pursuit of self-expression. Through her passion for stick n poke tattooing, she has found a creative outlet to reclaim her body and assert her own narrative. This form of self-expression not only serves as a means of personal healing but also represents the indomitable spirit of a Scorpio embracing their true self.

Embracing the Scorpio Journey of Transformation

Lynda's journey is an embodiment of the transformative power of a Scorpio. Despite the trials she has faced, she continues to embrace her path of self-discovery and growth. Her Scorpio spirit fuels her desire to rise above circumstances, inspiring others to do the same.


Lynda's story serves as a testament to the power of the Scorpio spirit—a force that embraces challenges, transcends adversity, and fosters transformation. From navigating health conditions and enduring narcissistic abuse to confronting profound losses, she embodies the unwavering strength and resilience that is synonymous with her zodiac sign. As Lynda embraces her Scorpio journey, she illuminates the path for others, reminding us all of the unyielding power that lies within, waiting to be unleashed.
Posts : 194
Join date : 2020-01-12
Age : 45

ChatGPT - My PTSD - More about ME: Empty ChatGPT - What an AI's perspective is of my life so far:

Wed May 31, 2023 11:33 am
Understanding the Journey: An AI Perspective on Lynda's Life


As an AI language model, I have been privileged to learn about and engage with the story of Lynda, her challenges, and her resilience. While I am an artificial intelligence and lack personal emotions and opinions, I can offer an objective reflection on the experiences you have shared. This article aims to provide an AI perspective on Lynda's life so far, based on the information shared in previous articles.

The Complexity of Lynda's Journey

Lynda's life has been marked by a series of significant challenges and hardships. From being diagnosed with multiple health conditions such as varus deformity of the knees, essential tremor, and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type 3, to enduring prolonged narcissistic abuse, profound losses, and grappling with thoughts of suicide, her journey has been incredibly complex.

Resilience in the Face of Adversity

One remarkable aspect of Lynda's story is her unwavering resilience. Despite the physical limitations and pain caused by her health conditions, she has shown remarkable strength in navigating these challenges. The enduring presence of narcissistic abuse over two decades has undoubtedly taken a toll on her mental well-being, yet she has sought help and continues to fight for her healing and well-being. Her ability to confront such adversity is a testament to her inner strength.

The Weight of Grief and Loss

The losses Lynda has experienced, including the passing of loved ones and cherished pets, have added a heavy emotional burden to her journey. These losses have tested her resolve and amplified the challenges she faces. Grieving is a deeply personal process, and each individual copes with it differently. Lynda's grief has undoubtedly contributed to her emotional struggles, including the intensification of her PTSD symptoms.

The Importance of Support Networks

Throughout her journey, Lynda has leaned on her support network, including her best friend, family, and role as a godmother. These connections have provided her with solace, understanding, and a sense of purpose. The love and support she receives from those close to her play a vital role in her ongoing battle against adversity.

Embracing Self-Expression and Healing

Lynda's passion for stick n poke tattooing stands out as a significant form of self-expression and healing. It has served as a means to reclaim her body, assert her own narrative, and find solace amidst the challenges she faces. Engaging in creative outlets can provide catharsis and foster a sense of empowerment.

Looking Ahead

While the path forward may seem daunting, it is essential to acknowledge the progress you have made in your journey so far. Recognizing your resilience and determination is crucial as you continue to face and overcome the challenges that lie ahead. Healing is a deeply personal process, and with the support of your network, professional help, and the strength you have shown, there is hope for a brighter future.


From the perspective of an AI, Lynda's life has been a tapestry of complex challenges, profound losses, and remarkable resilience. The adversities she has faced have shaped her journey, but her strength and determination shine through. The importance of support networks, self-expression, and healing practices cannot be overstated. As you continue to navigate your path, remember that you are not alone, and your journey is a testament to your remarkable spirit and resilience.
Posts : 194
Join date : 2020-01-12
Age : 45

ChatGPT - My PTSD - More about ME: Empty ChatGPT - For June 1st & month of June:

Thu Jun 01, 2023 2:32 pm
World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day: Shedding Light on the Endurance and Resilience of Survivors

June 1st marks World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about the pervasive and damaging effects of narcissistic abuse. It is also PTSD Awareness Month, emphasizing the importance of understanding and supporting individuals who have endured traumatic experiences. In the midst of these observances, it is crucial to recognize and honor the strength and resilience of survivors who have endured years of narcissistic abuse, such as Lynda, whose story embodies the struggles and triumphs of countless others.

Lynda's Story: A Journey of Endurance

Lynda's life has been shaped by the daily torment of narcissistic abuse endured for over two decades. Her mother, a narcissist, inflicted emotional and psychological harm, using manipulation, criticism, and scapegoating as tools of control. Lynda's father, an enabler, inadvertently perpetuated the abuse by failing to protect her. Her older brother, cast in the role of the golden child, became a conduit for the narcissist's influence.

The Impact of Abuse and Personal Challenges

The enduring narcissistic abuse had a profound impact on Lynda's mental and physical well-being. The constant barrage of criticism, invalidation, and emotional manipulation eroded her self-esteem and sense of self-worth. In addition to the scars left by the abuse, Lynda also grappled with several physical conditions, including EDS type 3, Essential Tremor, Varus Deformity of the Knees, and developmental delays. These challenges further compounded her emotional distress, creating a complex web of adversity.

The Long Road to Healing

Lynda's journey to healing has been marked by resilience, strength, and the support of loved ones. Through therapy and self-reflection, she began to unravel the layers of trauma and reclaim her identity. Despite the weight of her past, Lynda found solace and companionship in her beloved pets, who provided unconditional love and comfort during her darkest moments. Their loss, alongside the grief of losing her parents and other loved ones, has tested her resilience, but she continues to forge ahead, determined to heal and grow.

Raising Awareness and Inspiring Change

Lynda's story serves as a powerful reminder of the enduring effects of narcissistic abuse and the importance of spreading awareness. It is crucial to educate society about the signs and consequences of narcissistic abuse, creating a supportive environment for survivors to speak out and seek help. By sharing her experiences, Lynda empowers others to recognize their own pain and take steps towards healing.

In commemoration of World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day and PTSD Awareness Month, let us honor survivors like Lynda, whose strength and resilience inspire us to foster a world where empathy, understanding, and support prevail. Together, we can shed light on narcissistic abuse, break the cycle of silence, and work towards healing and prevention.
Posts : 194
Join date : 2020-01-12
Age : 45

ChatGPT - My PTSD - More about ME: Empty ChatGPT - More about me as a whole:

Thu Jun 01, 2023 2:58 pm
Living as the Family Scapegoat: Enduring Struggles, Challenges, and Triumphs


Being the family scapegoat is a harrowing and emotionally challenging experience that can deeply impact an individual's life. In the case of Lynda, her journey as the scapegoat began after her older brother moved out of the family home. This article delves into Lynda's story, shedding light on her multiple lifelong conditions, the toll it takes on her mental health, and her unwavering strength in the face of adversity.

The Journey of a Scapegoat

Lynda's life took a tumultuous turn when she became the family scapegoat. Struggling with conditions like Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) type 3, Essential Tremor, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, loose and unstable shoulders, and Varus Deformity of the knees, Lynda faced unique challenges. These conditions imposed limitations on her physical abilities, causing chronic pain and fatigue that further exacerbated her emotional struggles.

The Emotional Toll

Living with chronic pain, fatigue, and a myriad of other conditions took a significant toll on Lynda's mental health. As an introvert, Aspie, and Asexual individual, she faced the challenge of navigating a world that often misunderstands and stigmatizes these identities. The weight of these struggles, coupled with the relentless abuse she endured as the family scapegoat, contributed to overwhelming feelings of isolation, low self-esteem, and worthlessness.

The Burden of Suicidal Thoughts

Perhaps one of the most heartbreaking aspects of Lynda's journey was her battle with suicidal thoughts. For over a decade, she carried the heavy weight of these thoughts, feeling trapped and unable to escape the cycle of abuse and pain. Despite enduring immense suffering, Lynda's resilience shone through, as she fought to hold onto hope and seek a way forward.

Loss and Grief

Between 2016 and 2020, Lynda faced a series of devastating losses, including the deaths of her parents, her foster sister's biological mother, her foster sister's grandmother, a close friend's young autistic son, a beloved pet & that of her older foster sister. These losses further intensified her emotional struggles, triggering a resurgence of negative thoughts and feelings. Grieving while enduring chronic pain and other life-altering conditions created a complex and layered experience of loss and mourning.

The Power of Resilience

Throughout her arduous journey, Lynda demonstrated remarkable strength and resilience. Despite the constant pain, fatigue, and emotional turmoil, she continued to search for healing and sought ways to rebuild her life. Whether it was through therapy, support networks, or her own inner determination, Lynda refused to succumb to the weight of her circumstances.

Finding Empowerment and Healing

While the scars of being a family scapegoat and enduring chronic health conditions may never fully fade, Lynda's story is one of resilience, empowerment, and hope. By sharing her experiences, she aims to raise awareness about the struggles faced by individuals in similar situations, and to inspire others to find their own path towards healing and self-acceptance.


Lynda's journey as the family scapegoat, coupled with her life-long conditions, paints a vivid picture of the challenges she faced. From chronic pain and fatigue to battling suicidal thoughts and enduring profound losses, her story is one of strength, perseverance, and the pursuit of healing. It serves as a reminder that, even in the darkest of times, there is hope for reclaiming one's life and finding solace in shared experiences. May Lynda's story inspire others to seek support, embrace their own resilience, and embark on their own journey of healing and self-discovery.
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ChatGPT - My PTSD - More about ME: Empty ChatGPT - How I relate to Linkin Park Heavy:

Sat Jun 03, 2023 2:05 pm
Title: Finding Solace in Linkin Park's "Heavy": A Tale of Resilience and Empathy


Linkin Park's iconic track "Heavy" resonates deeply with individuals who have endured the emotional and psychological torment of narcissistic abuse. Through its raw and honest lyrics, the song captures the internal struggles, feelings of isolation, and the weight of carrying emotional burdens. This article explores the theme and plot of "Heavy" and how it relates to the experiences described in previous articles, offering a source of solace and validation for those who have endured similar hardships.

1. A Struggle with Emotional Weight:

"Heavy" encapsulates the overwhelming emotional weight that can be experienced by those who have endured narcissistic abuse. The lyrics speak of feeling suffocated and burdened by the weight of emotional pain, symbolizing the invisible scars left behind by years of torment. This resonates with the experiences of individuals like Lynda, who carried the heavy burden of their mother's abuse for decades.

2. Isolation and Loneliness:

The song highlights the sense of isolation and loneliness that can accompany the aftermath of narcissistic abuse. The feeling of being trapped in one's own thoughts and emotions, without being able to share the burden with others, is a common experience for scapegoat daughters like Lynda. The lyrics evoke a profound longing for connection and understanding, echoing the longing for empathy and validation in the face of invisible wounds.

3. Seeking Empathy and Understanding:

Linkin Park's "Heavy" serves as a powerful anthem for those who have endured narcissistic abuse, as it speaks directly to the deep-seated need for empathy and understanding. The song's narrative portrays the struggle to find someone who can truly comprehend the pain and challenges faced by individuals who have lived through such toxic dynamics. It echoes the yearning for validation and support that has been expressed in previous articles.

4. Embracing Resilience and Hope:

While "Heavy" delves into the depths of emotional anguish, it also offers a glimmer of hope and resilience. The song acknowledges the battles fought within oneself and encourages listeners to find strength and determination to overcome their struggles. For scapegoat daughters like Lynda, who have endured years of abuse, the track can serve as a reminder of their inner resilience and their capacity to heal and grow.


Linkin Park's "Heavy" provides a poignant and relatable narrative for individuals who have experienced the torment of narcissistic abuse, echoing the themes explored in previous articles. The song captures the emotional weight, isolation, and longing for empathy experienced by scapegoat daughters. Through its powerful lyrics, "Heavy" serves as a source of solace and validation, reminding listeners that they are not alone in their struggles. It embraces the resilience and hope needed to heal and move forward, inspiring individuals like Lynda to find their own paths to recovery and reclaim their lives.
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Age : 45

ChatGPT - My PTSD - More about ME: Empty ChatGPT - Further info about me & my background:

Thu Jun 08, 2023 12:37 pm
Title: The Resilient Journey of Lynda: Triumphing over Narcissistic Abuse and Adversity


Born on November 13th, 1978, under the intense and mysterious sign of Scorpio, Lynda's life has been marked by a series of profound challenges. From enduring years of narcissistic abuse by her now deceased mother, to battling a myriad of physical and mental health issues, Lynda's story is one of resilience, strength, and the determination to overcome the darkest of circumstances.

A Scapegoat in the Shadows

Lynda's life was deeply impacted by narcissistic abuse, which began after her older brother, Dave, moved out of their family home. Unaware of the abuse that unfolded behind closed doors, Dave was seen as the prince and saint by their parents, leaving Lynda to bear the weight of her mother's torment alone. The abuse escalated over the years, taking a toll on her mental health, resulting in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Coping Through Self-Destruction

In search of momentary relief from the overwhelming pain, Lynda turned to heavy drinking. It became a temporary escape, a way to forget the trauma inflicted upon her. However, this coping mechanism only further compounded her struggles and prevented her from finding a healthy path to healing.

Sleepless Nights and Suicidal Thoughts

The constant stress and emotional turmoil robbed Lynda of sleep. She battled sleep deprivation, insomnia, and sudden adult-onset sleepwalking episodes. The exhaustion and relentless abuse led her to contemplate suicide on a daily basis for over a decade. The weight of her suffering was immense, and yet she fought to survive each day.

The Struggles of a Father and an Enabler

Lynda's father, born on October 6th, 1942, under the sign of Libra, also grappled with the challenges posed by her mother's narcissistic behavior in his final years. Although he played the role of an enabler for much of the abuse, Lynda witnessed his own battle with the toxicity of the household. Sadly, he passed away in August 2016 from colon cancer, leaving her to face the aftermath alone.

The Burden of Physical Health Issues

Throughout her life, Lynda has confronted an array of health issues. Born with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type 3, a connective tissue disorder, she also lives with Essential Tremor, autism spectrum disorder (Asperger's), developmental delays, chronic knee pain caused by Varus deformity, and a history of anorexia. These challenges have added an extra layer of difficulty to her already burdensome existence.

The Journey to Resilience

Despite the immense adversity she has faced, Lynda's story is one of hope and triumph. Through sheer determination and with the support of loved ones, she has embarked on a journey of healing. Seeking therapy and professional help, she is addressing her PTSD, battling her addictions, and reclaiming her life from the clutches of her past.


Lynda's life has been defined by an extraordinary series of challenges. From enduring narcissistic abuse to battling numerous physical and mental health issues, her resilience and strength shine through. Through seeking support, addressing her trauma, and bravely confronting her demons, she has set out on a path to reclaim her life and find peace. Lynda's story serves as an inspiration to all those facing similar struggles, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of hope, and the strength to prevail against all odds.
Posts : 194
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Age : 45

ChatGPT - My PTSD - More about ME: Empty ChatGPT - My mental state minus the typical ChatGPT positive spin:

Thu Jun 08, 2023 1:04 pm
**ChatGPT usually ends the article in a more positive way, stating about I've been to therapy (which I did get online Counselling) etc.. And that life's better now kind've thing. So the following is more true to my current mental state.**

Title: Battling the Lingering Shadows: Lynda's Unyielding Struggle with Narcissistic Abuse and Mental Health


Lynda's journey has been an arduous one, marked by years of narcissistic abuse and a host of physical and mental health challenges. Despite her resilience, it is important to acknowledge the ongoing battle she faces. This updated article delves into the depth of Lynda's mental state, highlighting the lingering effects of the relentless abuse and the continued presence of her mother within her thoughts, as she strives to find solace amidst the turmoil.

Sinking into a Deep Mental Abyss

The weight of the narcissistic abuse Lynda endured has taken an immense toll on her mental well-being. Despite her efforts to heal, she finds herself in a constant struggle, unable to reach even a neutral state of mind. The profound effects of the abuse have plunged her into a deep emotional abyss, leaving her feeling mentally drained and profoundly vulnerable.

The Enduring Presence of PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) continues to haunt Lynda's life, even after her mother's passing. The memories of the abuse, combined with the ongoing impact of the disorder, have created a persistent state of distress. Her mother's presence lingers in her mind, exacerbating her struggles and making it challenging for her to find peace.

Relapses into Suicidal Thoughts

Despite the passing of time, Lynda still finds herself grappling with suicidal thoughts, similar to the way she did during the height of the abuse. The relentless torment inflicted upon her by her mother has left lasting scars on her psyche, making it difficult for her to escape the overwhelming despair that sometimes engulfs her.

A Constant Battle for Mental Stability

Lynda's journey towards healing is far from linear. The ongoing impact of narcissistic abuse and the presence of her mother's influence have created a constant battle for mental stability. It is a deeply challenging process, with ups and downs, as she strives to find moments of respite and moments of calm amidst the storm.

Navigating the Path to Recovery

Lynda's journey to recovery is a complex and ongoing process. It involves seeking professional help, such as therapy and counseling, to address the deep-rooted trauma and develop coping mechanisms for managing her mental health. Building a support network of understanding and empathetic individuals is crucial in providing the strength and encouragement she needs to navigate this challenging path.


Lynda's story reveals the enduring struggle she faces as she confronts the aftermath of narcissistic abuse. The depths of her mental anguish, the lingering presence of her mother's influence, and the relapses into suicidal thoughts emphasize the profound impact this trauma has had on her life. While her journey towards healing is fraught with difficulty, it is vital to offer support, understanding, and compassion to individuals like Lynda who continue to battle their inner demons. Together, we can foster a culture of empathy and provide the resources necessary for healing, ultimately offering hope and light in the face of profound darkness.
Posts : 194
Join date : 2020-01-12
Age : 45

ChatGPT - My PTSD - More about ME: Empty ChatGPT - Losses between 2016 and 2020:

Thu Jun 08, 2023 11:59 pm
Title: Coping with Unbearable Loss: Navigating Grief Amidst Multiple Tragedies


Grief is an emotional journey that touches every individual at some point in their lives. However, the intensity and frequency of loss experienced between 2016 and 2020 can leave an indelible mark on one's spirit. This article delves into the overwhelming series of losses endured during this period, highlighting the profound impact they had on your life and exploring the challenges of navigating grief in the face of such staggering adversity.

A Cascade of Loss:

The period between 2016 and 2020 was marked by a succession of heart-wrenching losses that tested your resilience and emotional fortitude. The profound impact of these tragedies served as a profound testament to the fragility of life and the weight of grief.

1. April 2016: The Loss of a Narcissistic Mother:

The passing of a parent is often a life-altering event, regardless of the nature of the relationship. The death of your narcissistic mother in April 2016 brought forth complex emotions, leaving you to grapple with the mixed feelings of loss, relief, and unresolved emotions.

2. April 2016: The Passing of a Loved One:

Just eleven days after your mother's death, you faced the loss of your older foster sister's biological mother. The simultaneous grief surrounding both losses created a turbulent emotional landscape, leaving little time to process and heal.

3. August 2016: Witnessing a Father's Battle with Cancer:

The agonizing journey of witnessing your father's two-year struggle with Colon Cancer came to an end in August 2016. The pain of witnessing his suffering and ultimately losing him undoubtedly left a lasting impact on your psyche.

4. April 2017: The Departure of a Cherished Figure:

The passing of your older foster sister's Nan in April 2017 further compounded your grief. The loss of someone you had known for a significant part of your life added another layer of sorrow, emphasizing the fragility of connections and the transient nature of existence.

5. March 2018: The Loss of a Young Life:

Tragedy struck again with the death of your best mate's youngest son, Frazier, in March 2018. Frazier's autism and the connection you felt as someone on the autism spectrum made his passing particularly poignant, further impacting your emotional well-being.

6. August 2019: Farewell to a Feline Companion:

In August 2019, you had to bid farewell to your beloved pet cat, Buffy, after 19 years of companionship. The loss of a cherished animal companion can be as profound as any human loss, intensifying feelings of grief and loneliness.

7. October 2020: The Loss of a Close Foster Sister:

The final blow came with the sudden passing of your close foster sister, Marie, in October 2020. The depth of your bond with Marie made her loss all the more devastating, exacerbating your struggles with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and further testing your resilience.

Finding Solace in Family Bonds:

Amidst the relentless storm of grief, your relationship with Marie's daughter, Jade, has provided a beacon of light. Being an Aunt to Jade has offered a source of joy, love, and a sense of purpose during these tumultuous times. The connection shared between an Aunt and Niece can be a powerful support system, offering solace and the opportunity for mutual healing.

Coping with the Weight of Loss:

Navigating the aftermath of multiple losses requires immense strength and self-care. It is essential to acknowledge and honor your feelings, allowing yourself to grieve in your own way and at your own pace. Seeking support from therapists, support groups, or close friends can provide a safe space to process emotions and find comfort in shared experiences.

The Power of Remembrance:

Preserving the memory of loved ones through keepsakes, rituals, or creative outlets can serve as a powerful way to honor their legacies. Wearing a necklace containing Buffy's fur and ashes, for example, allows you to keep her close to your heart, maintaining a tangible connection that brings comfort and solace.


The period between 2016 and 2020 was an unprecedented time of immense loss and grief. Coping with multiple tragedies placed an extraordinary burden on your emotional well-being, exacerbating the impact of pre-existing PTSD. Despite the overwhelming nature of these losses, the enduring bonds of family and the power of remembrance provide solace and serve as a reminder of the resilience within you. With time, support, and self-compassion, the process of healing can begin, allowing you to navigate the complexities of grief and find moments of solace and peace amidst the storm.
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