Cyberward (aka Reiki30Biz)
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ChatGPT - My sexual orientation: Empty ChatGPT - My sexual orientation:

Thu Jun 22, 2023 7:24 am
Title: Understanding Apothisexuality: Exploring the Experience of Sex-Repulsed Individuals


In the spectrum of human sexuality, there exists a diverse range of orientations and identities. One such identity is apothisexuality, which refers to individuals who identify as being sex-repulsed. Apothisexuality is a relatively lesser-known sexual orientation that deserves recognition and understanding. This article aims to shed light on the experience of apothisexual individuals, exploring their feelings, challenges, and the importance of creating a supportive and inclusive environment for them.

Defining Apothisexuality

Apothisexuality is a term that originated within the asexual and aromantic communities, denoting individuals who experience a strong aversion or repulsion towards sexual activities, including both sexual acts and discussions. While apothisexuality shares some similarities with asexuality, it is important to note that not all asexual individuals are sex-repulsed, and not all sex-repulsed individuals identify as asexual.

Understanding Sex-Repulsion

Sex repulsion is characterized by a deep discomfort, aversion, or disgust towards sexual activities. Individuals who identify as apothisexual may experience intense physical and emotional distress when confronted with sexual situations or discussions. This repulsion can extend to visual, auditory, or even conceptual stimuli related to sex.

Challenges Faced by Apothisexual Individuals

1. Misunderstanding and Stigmatization: Apothisexuality is often met with misunderstanding and skepticism, as it challenges societal norms and expectations regarding sexuality. Due to its relative obscurity, many people may be unaware of this orientation, leading to misconceptions and judgments.

2. Difficulty in Relationships: Apothisexual individuals may face challenges in forming and maintaining intimate relationships, as their aversion to sexual activities can create tension and strain within partnerships. Communication and understanding from both partners are crucial to navigating these complexities.

3. Lack of Representation: The limited representation of apothisexuality in mainstream media and discussions can contribute to a sense of isolation and invisibility. The absence of positive role models and resources specific to their experiences can make it difficult for apothisexual individuals to find validation and support.

Supporting Apothisexual Individuals

1. Education and Awareness: Spreading awareness about apothisexuality is crucial in fostering understanding and acceptance. By educating ourselves and others, we can challenge stigmas, debunk misconceptions, and create a more inclusive society.

2. Validation and Respect: It is essential to validate and respect the experiences and identities of apothisexual individuals. By acknowledging their feelings and accepting their boundaries, we can create safer spaces that promote their emotional well-being.

3. Cultivating Inclusive Communities: Building communities that embrace diversity and provide a sense of belonging is vital. Offering support groups, online forums, or local meetups specifically for apothisexual individuals can help foster connections, share experiences, and provide much-needed support.


Apothisexuality represents an important facet of human sexuality, and understanding the experiences of sex-repulsed individuals is crucial for promoting inclusivity and acceptance. By educating ourselves, challenging stigmas, and cultivating supportive communities, we can create an environment that respects the diverse range of sexual orientations and identities. Let us strive to build a world where apothisexual individuals can embrace their authentic selves without fear of judgment or misunderstanding.
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