Cyberward (aka Reiki30Biz)
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Posts : 194
Join date : 2020-01-12
Age : 45

Flare up days: Empty Flare up days:

Mon Mar 20, 2023 10:59 pm
Firstly every second of the day & night is way beyond just hard. We are always dealing with the following, 10 times worse on flare up days:

Chronic (unbearable) pain everywhere
Chronic fatigue
Sleep deprivation due to pain etc.../Insomnia etc...
Brain fog to the extreme
Lack of mobility
Eyesight issues
POTS related issues
Crippling back ache, to the extreme
Side effects from our meds
Gastrointestinal issues

We have all this & more going on, yet we look mostly normal. But some days are just total right off's. Day's where we are beyond useless/confused to the extreme/exhausted etc... All to the most extreme you could ever think of & then some. Please bear this in mind if you know an EDS sufferer. Were fighting a lifelong battle you can't really see in a normal way.

Mother's Day for me was a flare up day. A total right off. A totally useless day for me. The brain fog alone was INSANE, complicated by some weird intercom calls first thing in the morning as everyone just always pretty much just rings my buzzer when they have bits for other flats etc... A day of constant nausea, needing to stay close to sick bucket/loo. Even worse than normal back ache too. I've not been officially diagnosed with POTS, but it kind've comes with EDS by default & I was dizzy/lightheaded/had ropey vision (more than normal) etc... Combined with normal lack of sleep etc... It was NOT a good day, real bad flare up day, worst in a while. Also it was a bad PTSD trigger day. My Mum died in 2016. We didn't have a good relationship, Mum was narcissistic, I was family scapegoat for 24 years etc... I try to ignore Mother's Day as much as possible, but given it's literally everywhere, I can't avoid it. So it's always a bad day alone, just for that aspect. So I may, on these occasions, seem off/extra confused etc...
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