Cyberward (aka Reiki30Biz)
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Posts : 194
Join date : 2020-01-12
Age : 45

Chronic illness 'tired' vs normal tired: Empty Chronic illness 'tired' vs normal tired:

Mon May 01, 2023 11:33 am
If your healthy & don't suffer from any chronic illness, then your 'tired' is quite easy to fix. Take a nap, have a full night's sleep etc.. & your set, your fixed. Overall your tired is fixable & won't therefore really have a major impact on your life.

If however, like me you suffer from a chronic illness, it's all very different. Click HERE to view a 'The Mighty' article about our 'tired'.

Years ago there was an article on 'The Mighty' website that portrayed EDS as a fun/non problematic/non serious thing. But now there are contributors that are adding articles about aspects of EDS especially. Showing that it's 'NOT FUN' to live with. It's NOT EASY. Showing it's not just being flexible.

Our 'tired' is VASTLY different & much more crippling. Also with EDS3 especially, it'll never be fixable in any way. There are no fixes. Personally for me, sleeping/taking a nap etc.. does NOTHING. It makes NO difference what so ever.
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