Cyberward (aka Reiki30Biz)
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Posts : 196
Join date : 2020-01-12
Age : 45

Borg based (FREEBIE) Reiki Empowerment: Empty Borg based (FREEBIE) Reiki Empowerment:

Sun Apr 16, 2023 11:05 am
Are you a Star Trek fan, like me?

Know even just a small bit about the Borg?

My newest Reiki Empowerment is a FREEBIE. (Though if you'd like to send a donation for this system (if you've called it in/received empowerment), that's of course always appreciated). It's based on the Borg.

No pre-requisites needed, so NO prior Reiki knowledge/experience is needed. Though beneficial as it then wouldn't seem so weird.

Empowerments are for yourself only. If you've received the empowerment, then you can use system for/on yourself.



To call it in/receive empowerment:
Relax/be distraction free & mentally state just once "I am now attuned to the Borg Reiki Empowerment". Remain in a relaxed state for several minutes. You may feel tingles, or if your eyes are closed you may see shapes & colours etc... After several minutes, that's it. You now have full use of the empowerment for life.

This system upon activation:
Creates an ethereal Borg Nanoprobe, which is given a specific job to do (for yourself only). It can only do this job, it can't go rogue or do any harm (the Reiki aspect - beneficial/positive stuff only). It's given a designation & is activated by a set phrase, which can be stated mentally (by you). It completes it's job (depending on duration of specific job), then it's safely destroyed. You can always re-activate at a later date, if needed.

To create/activate/re-activate:
State once "Activate Borg Nanoprobe (DESIGNATION), it's job is (BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF JOB)".

For reference only: i.e. "Activate Borg Nanoprobe Prossi, it's job is to lessen my everyday chronic pain from my Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome type 3" - My 1st Borg Nanoprobe created/activated for myself. As I suffer, life long with EDS3. It has that designation as out of Criminal Minds, Prentiss & Rossi have always been my favourite characters. Duration of it's job is the rest of my life.

FOUNDER: Rev. Reiki Grand Master Lynda C Ward

Lineage: Rev. Reiki Grand Master Lynda C Ward - YOUR NAME


Hope this helps.
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