Cyberward (aka Reiki30Biz)
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Posts : 194
Join date : 2020-01-12
Age : 45

Not a blend - Info on Helichrysum: Empty Not a blend - Info on Helichrysum:

Sat Mar 18, 2023 5:59 pm
Helichrysum Essential Oil:

**Some Essential Oils can be used internally, depending on the brand. But I NEVER use any of these oils in an internal way, as they can be toxic etc...**

There are several Essential Oils that are extremely popular & effective. Such as: Tea Tree/Helichrysum/Frankincense/Copaiba. Helichrysum is one of these.

It's one of the most expensive oils.
It's very popular & effective.
It's an all rounder.
Beneficial for wounds, it's often known as 'liquid stitches'.
Beneficial for inflammation reduction.
Great for brain/neural disorders.
Great as an anti spasm type oil.
Smells kind've like honey.
Flowers that result in this oil are from the daisy family.
It's sometimes found already diluted into a carrier oil, which improves it's effectiveness.
It's like having a portable first aid kit on you at all times.

You can Google/YouTube search i.e. 'Helichrysum benefits' for more info.
Posts : 194
Join date : 2020-01-12
Age : 45

Not a blend - Info on Helichrysum: Empty Ways to use:

Sun Mar 19, 2023 7:24 am
The following are just some ways you can use Helichrysum & other Essential Oils:

Put 10-15 drops of your Essential Oil(s) into a rollerball bottle. Fill the rest with a carrier oil such as Sunflower Oil. Put rollerball bit in place. Put lid on & shake to combine.

Do as above but using a dropper bottle.

Put a few drops into a hand gel/liquid soap. Shake to mix. Use as i.e. massage gel for a problem area.

Put a few drops into your bath.

Put a few drops onto a tissue & inhale throughout the day.

Rub a drop or 2 onto your wrists/temples etc...

If your into i.e. reflexology, you can rub into your feet.

Add a few drops to your lotions/face masks etc...

Add a drop or 2 into your diy wax melt/candle mixes.

Add a few drops to a spray bottle. Add a little Vodka or Rubbing Alcohol. Fill remainder up with water to make a room spray/all purpose cleaner.

Sprinkle a drop or 2 onto your pillow to help with sleeping.

Add to a diffuser.

Use in your Wicca work.

Use a drop or 2 to freshen up your loo by dropping into loo bowl before flushing.

**I hope these give you some ideas of how you can use Essential Oils.**
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