Cyberward (aka Reiki30Biz)
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Posts : 194
Join date : 2020-01-12
Age : 45

Eradicate The Bad: Empty Eradicate The Bad:

Sat Dec 17, 2022 4:24 pm
Do you have something/someone in your life (something that negativley affects you), that you'd like to 'eradicate' (stop wrecking YOU mentally etc..)?
Some things & obviously some people can't be eradicated from your life entirely. But their negative impacts on YOU (mentally) could be relieved/reduced etc...
Examples are:
'Eradicate mental damage caused by narcissistic (i.e) Mother'.
'Eradicate my bad habit of (HABIT)'.
'Eradicate my bad luck'.
'Eradicate Essential Tremor flare ups (in my case)'.
'Eradicate my low mood'.
'Eradicate my inability to get a job'.
'Eradicate & therefore shield me from, the negative impacts, caused by (WHOM)'.
'Eradicate negative impact on me, caused by (a criminal offense etc...)'.
Place your order (it's £5 or $5 for each 'eradication'): Let me know your full name/eradication you need/a contact email address.
Payment is to my Paypal:
lyndacw (at) googlemail (dot) com
PLEASE READ FOLLOWING - for full explanation of this newest method.

I'll then, using a private Reiki method, embue a mix of Coffee Grounds, Ground Chicory & Salt with your eradication request. I will then sprinkle this embued mix, wrapped into toilet paper & flush it down the toilet. I'll do this 3 days in a row.

This method incorporates a few methods, which may to some sound strange. It uses:
1. Reiki to embue Coffee Grounds, Ground Chicory & White Table Salt mix, with your eradication request.

2. Wicca symbolism - Wicca includes a lot of symbolism such as i.e. if you want someone out of your life you'd write their name on a bit of toilet paper & then you'd flush it. In the following few days that person would have left your life in some way. My method incorporates this type of symbolism.

3. Coffee Grounds - You could i.e. Google Image Search "coffee grounds magical properties" to find out more.

4. White (table) Salt - You could i.e. Google Image Search "salt magical properties" to find out more. Salt is used often in the TV show Supernatural.

5. Ground Chicory - You could i.e. Google Image Search "chicory magical properties" to find out more.

6. The colour White (for the salt) - i.e. white tea lights are associated with being good for all purpose, purification type work.

7. Doing it 3 times in a row - Reiki, Wicca & life in general has various aspects where 3 is a thing. The phrase "everything happens in 3's", Triple Moon (triple meaning 3), from the TV show Charmed with the 'Power of 3'/the Triquetra etc.., mentally stating a Reiki symbol name 3 times to activate it etc... The list goes on.

I'll also add details to my Reiki notebook setup, specifically for 'eradication of the bad'. I'll be sending Reiki via distance often, which will further help with 'eradication'.
This is when your order has been completed. Watch out for signs, they may be subtle. Some eradications may need a few goes while others may work great with just one.

If I have your email, I'll send you a file which shows: your listing in my Reiki Notebook (for full transparency).
Reiki follows/is about : my/your INTENT.
I've used above method several times for myself (to test things out). It's definatley helped & worked for me.
Hope this is of benefit & helps you.
As a sufferer of PTSD & enduring 23-24 years of daily mental abuse (via Narcissism which is ALL DONE BEHIND CLOSED DOORS, so others are not aware) & being a Reiki Grand Master, I'm all about healing. Especially when it comes to mental health.

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