Cyberward (aka Reiki30Biz)
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Posts : 194
Join date : 2020-01-12
Age : 45

Symbol(s): Empty Symbol(s):

Sat Jan 28, 2023 10:11 am
i.e. Bookmark (for further symbols too) the link HERE.

Analgesic Antenna Symbol:

Symbol constantly receives & emits intense analgesic/pain relieving attributes.  Once self attuned to symbol, place symbol face down over problem area for at least several seconds (but longer is better).  It may appear subtle to some, more intense for others, it'll be to the strongest energies that you can handle.

Lost Love Help Symbol:

Lost a loved one through death/divorce/broken romance etc...?  Use this symbol in ANY way you can think of.

Help With Grief Symbol:

Grieving a loss of human or pet?  Use this symbol in ANY way you can think of.

I Have Easy Wealth Symbol:

Struggling financially?  Use this symbol in ANY way you can think of.
FROM 'Symbols Batch 1':
Heavy To Light Symbol:

Got a lot on your mind? Depressed due to i.e. life traumas? Relate to Linkin Park's Heavy track, as I do? Use this symbol in ANY way you can think of.

Trauma Release Symbol:

Wish to release a trauma? Want to 'let go'? Use this symbol in ANY way you can think of.

Beings Of Light Hug Symbol:

Simply place your dominant hand over symbol for a few minutes to receive a hug from 'Beings Of Light'. A hug improves your mood/lifts your spirits etc...

Guardian Angel Chat Symbol:

Draw symbol, write i.e. question, store somewhere safe. Pay attention to any signs you receive, they could represent your answers etc...

Burn Out My Burn Out Symbol:

Feel burnt out mentally? Need relief from that? Use this symbol by i.e. writing down the reasons why you feel burnt out, include your name/dob/location. Fold this up and burn notelet.

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