Cyberward (aka Reiki30Biz)
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Posts : 194
Join date : 2020-01-12
Age : 45

How are you spending Christmas Day 2022? Empty How are you spending Christmas Day 2022?

Sun Dec 25, 2022 12:19 pm
So it's Christmas Day 2022. How are you spending the day? How did you spend the day?

I'm just doing my usual. At home on my own. I live alone, no kids (not my thing), no more pets. Checking social medias, adding to this forum, watching YouTube videos. No decorations up (as for me it's too much effort putting them up just to take them back down a few days later). Uncles/Aunties/Cousins all live too far away. I can't drive (due to lifelong disabilities). Grandparents/Parents/lifelong aquantances/bestie's youngest Son/Pets/older Foster Sister are sadly all gone (died). Not really in a Christmas frame of mind as:
December 16th 1994 my Gran (late) Dad's side died.
December 23rd 2015 (late) Dad was told his Colon Cancer was terminal & that he had about 6 months left. He died in August 2016.
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