Cyberward (aka Reiki30Biz)
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Posts : 194
Join date : 2020-01-12
Age : 45

Bday sleepwalking session: Empty Bday sleepwalking session:

Sun Nov 19, 2023 9:28 am
I likely had a sleepwalking episode on my recent 45th birthday (13th November 2023). I've had an insomnia/sleep deprivation flare up since 14th June. Just been unable to sleep, no matter what I try. Between 14th June & today (19th November) I've had the equivalent of just 16 nights of 'ropey' sleep. Essentially 4 months of zilch/zero/nada. When sleep deprived to this sort of extent I usually start sleepwalking.

There is several hours of my birthday night that I just don't remember at all. This only happens when sleepwalking. In the morning I noticed that I'd made a few, accurate, social media posts. I don't recall typing them at all. I don't recall what happened to an Orange flavoured Hooch drink I'd received. I can't locate the bottle anywhere in my flat. I don't recall getting to bed or anything. It's always weird having several hours worth of no memories what so ever. A total blank.
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