Cyberward (aka Reiki30Biz)
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Posts : 194
Join date : 2020-01-12
Age : 45

My homemade decks: Empty My homemade decks:

Sun Dec 18, 2022 11:22 am
I have a few homemade, basic decks. These are as follows:

Eradication Deck - Not sure what needs to be eradicated from your life right now? Request a FREE reading by responding to this thread.

Mini Tarot Deck - Get a FREE, single card answer to your query. Request a FREE reading by responding to this thread.

Mini Zodiac Traits Deck - Know your natal chart info? What do you need to work on right now, based on your sun/moon & rising signs? Request a FREE reading by responding to this thread.

Mini Herbology Deck - Want to know what herb/root etc.. you need to incorporate into your daily routine for good health? Request a FREE reading by responding to this thread.

Mini Celestial Deck - What do you need right now? Request a FREE reading by responding to this thread. Receive an 'abbreviated Angelic Sigil Code'. Simply right this out on a i.e. gift tag, stare/focus on it, you'll go into a basic trance, maintain this for at least 3 minutes. That's it, the Angels will now do the rest for you.

For FREE readings, let me know which deck & your question (if applicable) etc... you'd like a reading with via this thread, I'll reply asap.
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