Cyberward (aka Reiki30Biz)
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Can fragrance oil drops be put in the toilet bowl, before flushing, to keep it smelling fresh? Empty Can fragrance oil drops be put in the toilet bowl, before flushing, to keep it smelling fresh?

Fri Apr 07, 2023 10:52 am
* I sometimes do below myself (usually with Essential Oils), but I wanted to see what ChatGPT reckoned.

Yes, fragrance oil drops can be put in the toilet bowl before flushing to keep it smelling fresh. You can use a few drops of essential oils or fragrance oils in the toilet bowl, and it will release a pleasant scent when flushed.

To use fragrance oils in the toilet bowl, simply add a few drops of your chosen scent into the bowl before flushing. You can experiment with different scents to find one that you like the most. Some popular choices for toilet bowl fragrances include lemon, lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus.

However, it is important to note that fragrance oils may not be suitable for all types of toilets, particularly those with septic systems. Some fragrance oils can harm the beneficial bacteria in septic systems, which can lead to problems with the system. So, if you have a septic system, it's best to check with a professional before using fragrance oils in your toilet.
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